API Q1 9th Edition

Certification Made Easy

We are the only firm on the West Coast that can provide you with an API Compliant QMS.

Your path to Registration or Monogram Product License.

Step 1

In-Person or Virtually

We come onsite or virtually to design and customize your API Q1 compliant Quality Management System (QMS) which includes your Quality Manual, required Procedures any necessary work instructions and supporting documentation and records, working directly with your employees on a one-on-one basis. Includes basic API Q1 9th Edition training to all applicable employees


We train all employees on their roles and responsibilities, with a focus on your Management Representative (this can be an existing employee appointed as your Management Representative). We all wear numerous hats in most lean run companies.


Implement your QMS when it’s complete by working directly with your employees

Step 2

Work with your Management Representative through email and phone support, answering all questions and further customizing your system

Step 3

Internal Audit

Conduct an Onsite Internal Audit of your system.


Conduct a Management Review


Submit your Application, Quality Manual, and Conformity Matrix to API

Step 4

API Onsite Audit with our onsite pre-audit preparation and Audit witness.

Continued Response (Corrective Actions) support until your successful certification.

Extraordinary Experience

Our staff has over 100 years of combined experience in Manufacturing, Oil Field Service, Quality Management, Safety Management and Auditing.

We have developed, written, and maintained Quality Management Systems for different companies across the nation. Our team is experienced on the shop floor to the management office. This gives us a unique skill set to draft and implement your system to minimize and limit unneeded paperwork.

Our Core Values

K & A Quality Consulting exists because of our values. We love rolling up our sleeves and diving head first into the source of a problem.

Your needs are our priority.